This is SOP specific to the scripts I have created and stored in my Flood_Tolerance repository. My goal streamline their use for others within the lab. For a more in depth tutorial the FIELDimageR tutorial from OpenDroneMap is what my work is based on.
Creating the File System:
Create a folder titled "Name of Field_Data_Extraction"
Within this folder, there should be subfolders labeled "Date of Imaging_DE" (This folder will turn into the working directory for the script)
This folder will need to contain the following:
A copy of the RGB .tif file
A copy of the RGB dsm .tif file
A copy of all Multispectral .tif files
A copy of all the files in the originals folder
6 Rollins5_grid_NEW files
Running the 01_Phenotype_Extraction Script:
- Once the script is open the assigned variables will need to be changed in accordance with the new working directory and flight date
Variable Naming System:
wd = pathway to the working directory ("Date of Imaging_DE" folder)
x = file name of the grid
y = file name of the RGB tif
z = name of the final indices values file (will be exported to wd)
b = name of the final LAI values file (will be exported to wd)
c = digital surface model of the DSM
d = reference DEM with no plants
e = the final file name of the plant height values
- Click the green run triangle in the top right corner of each r chunk in the script…some steps will take a while to run
Running the 02_Data_Cleaning Script:
- Once the script is open the assigned variables will need to be changed in accordance with the new working directory and flight date
Variable Naming System:
wd = pathway to the working directory ("Date of Imaging_DE" folder)
x = name of the final indices csv file
y = name of the final height values csv file
z = name of the final LAI values csv file
m = the name of the column and row csv file from planting
a = the name of the new condensed file
Click the green run triangle in the top right corner of each r chunk in the script…some steps will take a while to run
After this step, I like to organize all the files in the folder
Originals = all the files copies from the originals folder
210701 or the date = all the tiffs from that specific date
Leave the All_Data in the working directory folder